learn life lesson by osho vani / overcome sadness / dukho ka hal


Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young man named Raj. Raj was known for his vibrant personality and infectious laughter. He always wore a smile on his face and brought joy to everyone around him. However, one day, a deep sadness engulfed Raj's heart. He could not shake off the feeling of sadness no matter how hard he tried.

Concerned about his friend, Raj's neighbor, Maya, suggested that he seek guidance from the wise Osho, who resided in a nearby forest. Osho was renowned for his wisdom and ability to help people find peace and happiness. Intrigued by the idea, Raj decided to visit Osho in hopes of finding solace.

As Raj approached Osho's humble dwelling, he noticed a serene aura surrounding the place. Osho welcomed Raj with a warm smile and invited him to sit down. Raj poured out his heart, explaining the overwhelming sadness that had consumed him.

Osho listened attentively and then began to speak, "Sadness is a part of life, my friend. It comes and goes like the waves of the ocean. Just as the waves rise and fall, so do our emotions. The key lies in understanding the nature of sadness and how to navigate through it."

He continued, "Sadness often arises from attachment. We become attached to certain outcomes, people, or situations, and when they change or disappear, we feel a profound sense of loss. But true happiness lies in embracing the impermanence of life and letting go of attachments."

Raj listened intently, realizing the truth in Osho's words. He asked, "But how can I let go of attachments? It seems difficult."

Osho smiled gently and replied, "Letting go does not mean forgetting or disregarding the past. It means accepting that life is constantly changing and that clinging to something that no longer serves us will only bring more pain. Embrace the present moment and find joy in the simple pleasures of life."

He then told Raj a story:

"In ancient times, there was a wise master who had a precious ring adorned with a beautiful diamond. One day, as he walked through a bustling market, a beggar approached him and begged for some food. The master felt compassion for the beggar and decided to give him the ring.

The beggar, not realizing the true value of the ring, hurriedly took it and left. Several years passed, and the beggar's life changed dramatically. He faced many hardships, but never once thought of selling the ring.

One day, when he was at his lowest point, he encountered the wise master again. Overwhelmed with emotion, he fell at the master's feet and returned the ring, saying, 'I am a fool. I have suffered immensely, holding on to this ring without realizing its true worth.'

The master smiled and replied, 'My dear friend, you have learned a valuable lesson. The ring symbolizes attachments in our lives. Sometimes, we hold on to things that no longer serve us, causing unnecessary suffering. Letting go frees us from the burden of attachment and allows us to find true happiness.'"

Raj sat in silence, reflecting on the story and Osho's words. He realized that his sadness stemmed from his attachment to a past that no longer existed. Inspired by Osho's teachings, Raj made a conscious decision to let go of his attachments and embrace the present moment.

In the following days and weeks, Raj started to find joy in the simple things, appreciating the beauty of nature, connecting with loved ones, and pursuing activities that brought him fulfillment. Slowly but surely, the sadness that once consumed him began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and contentment.

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